#12DAYSOFPLEASURE. On the 6th Day of Pleasure, Pleasure Network gave to me.
19 Feb 2023, 09:52
On the 6th Day of Pleasure, Pleasure Network gave to me 👇🏻
🔥 Win a Personal 1on1 AMA/Video Chat (15 minutes) with the legend that is PornoDan @Danleal PornoDan Pleasurely.com 😍
For the chance to win, click on the links to our Twitter accounts below 👇🏻, tell us what you would really like to ask PornoDan & make sure to tag him on Twitter 🏷
*this is a Twitter competition, so to enter, you must ask the questions via our Twitter posts (not in Telegram)
Best Answer chosen by the man himself WINS. It's that simple!
💻 Check out our social media accounts for more details about how to enter & all the other announcements throughout the day 📱
😱 We are just halfway through #12DAYSOFPLEASURE So much more to come today, tomorrow & until the 25th Feb 2023 👍
🗣 With so much more still to come, on spoiler alert, "Monday is another big one", let's keep the hype going, by spreading the love throughout the whole 12 Days and beyond, by liking/retweeting/sharing our social media posts, telling your friends, entering the competitions, getting involved in giveaways & just doing what our loyal community has done since day 1, "supporting the Pleasure Network movement".
Thank you for all your support Pleasure Network Family 🥰
Much Love
Mark Hassell
Same news in other sources
220 Feb 2023, 09:34
On the 7th Day of Pleasure, Pleasure Network gave to me 👇🏻
🔥 WIN the legendary Doxy 🍆
Our great friends Doxy 💖 are giving away 2 of their POWERFUL MASSAGERS worth over £100 each 💦
To enter, LIKE & RETWEET the post on Twitter (links below) & tell us WHY YOU SHOULD WIN ONE? 🥇
Winners will be chosen by Doxy based on your answer. It's that simple!
*This is a Twitter competition, so to enter, you must give the answer via our Twitter posts (not in Telegram)
💻 Check out our social media accounts for more details about how to enter & all the other announcements throughout the day 📱
❗️Make sure you join us at 4:15PM (UTC) for an amazing VC Update where we will be CREATOR ING WAVES! 🌊
Thank you for all your support Pleasure Network Family 🥰
Much Love
Mark Hassell
#12DAYSOFPLEASURE. HAPPY MONDAY 20TH PLEASURELY 2023. On the 7th Day of Pleasure, Pleasure Network gave to me.
On the 7th Day of Pleasure, Pleasure Network gave to me 👇🏻
🔥 WIN the legendary Doxy 🍆
Our great friends Doxy 💖 are giving away 2 of their POWERFUL MASSAGERS worth over £100 each 💦
To enter, LIKE & RETWEET the post on Twitter (links below) & tell us WHY YOU SHOULD WIN ONE? 🥇
Winners will be chosen by Doxy based on your answer. It's that simple!
*This is a Twitter competition, so to enter, you must give the answer via our Twitter posts (not in Telegram)
💻 Check out our social media accounts for more details about how to enter & all the other announcements throughout the day 📱
❗️Make sure you join us at 4:15PM (UTC) for an amazing VC Update where we will be CREATOR ING WAVES! 🌊
Thank you for all your support Pleasure Network Family 🥰
Much Love
Mark Hassell
19 Feb 2023, 19:56
Remember, there is still time to enter our current competition 👇🏻
🔥 Win a Personal 1on1 AMA/Video Chat (15 minutes) with the legend that is PornoDan @Danleal PornoDan Pleasurely.com 😍
For the chance to win, click on the links to our Twitter accounts below 👇🏻, tell us what you would like to ask PornoDan & make sure to tag him on Twitter 🏷
*This is a Twitter competition, so to enter, you must ask the questions via our Twitter posts (not in Telegram)
Best Answer chosen by the man himself WINS. It's that simple!
✍🏻 Get your questions in now for your chance to WIN! 💸
#12DAYSOFPLEASURE. Remember, there is still time to enter our current competition.
Remember, there is still time to enter our current competition 👇🏻
🔥 Win a Personal 1on1 AMA/Video Chat (15 minutes) with the legend that is PornoDan @Danleal PornoDan Pleasurely.com 😍
For the chance to win, click on the links to our Twitter accounts below 👇🏻, tell us what you would like to ask PornoDan & make sure to tag him on Twitter 🏷
*This is a Twitter competition, so to enter, you must ask the questions via our Twitter posts (not in Telegram)
Best Answer chosen by the man himself WINS. It's that simple!
✍🏻 Get your questions in now for your chance to WIN! 💸